ENGL 10303

Approaches to Film: Hollywood Studio System

Assignments and grading


Quizzes will assess whether or not you did the assigned reading and viewing and are generally paying attention during class (in other words, if you can remember and understand our course material). They will be open-note and open-book, taken on TCU Online, and have a time limit. There will be 10 quizzes total during the semester. If you miss or fail a quiz, you will have the opportunity to earn back those points by watching a supplemental film and writing a short response paper.

Discussion Lead

Assignment sheet.

Once during the semester, you will work in a group of 4-5 students to lead small group discussion in class. Groups should plan to introduce the day’s discussion and prepare 3-5 discussion questions that will guide the class/small groups for that day. You’ll sign up for a day/movie at the beginning of the semester.


Midterm and final exams will check your ability to apply and analyze concepts from our assigned viewing, reading, and class discussions/lectures. Exams will include multiple choice and essay questions. They will be open-note and taken on TCU Online.

Group Research Project

Assignment sheet

Towards the end of the semester, you will work in groups of 4-5 to research one of the eight significant Hollywood studios of the studio system era, using archival materials from the Media History Digital Library and the Margaret Herrick Digital Library. Each group will create a portfolio that demonstrates the ability to conduct, organize, and communicate historical archival research. Groups will present this research in a poster session-style presentation.

Grade breakdown

Assignment Points
Attendance 10
Quizzes (10 @ 2 points each) 20
Discussion Lead 10
Midterm Exam 20
Final Exam 25
Group Research Project 15
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Total 100

Attendance grading

Unexcused absences Points
0 12 (extra credit)
1-2 10
3 9
4 8
5 7
6-8 5
more than 8 0

Final grade scale

Letter grade Points
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 0-59