:: 322 Words
IntroductionA League of Their Own (1992, dir. by Penny Marshall)--
The Male GazeDance, Girl, Dance (1940, dir. by Dorothy Arzner)Laura Mulvey, "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema"; John Berger, Ways of Seeing chapter 3
The PanopticonThe Hitch-Hiker (1952, dir. by Ida Lupino)Michel Foucault, "Panopticism" from Discipline and Punish
Penetrating LooksThe Slumber Party Massacre (1982, dir. by Amy Holden Jones)Carol J. Clover, "Her Body, Himself" from Men, Women, and Chainsaws
Disciplinary GenderBeau Travail (1999, dir. by Claire Denis)Judith Butler, "Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire" from Gender Trouble
Imperial LeatherThe Piano (1993, dir. by Jane Campion)Anne McClintock, "The Lay of the Land" from Imperial Leather
Picturing Colonial ViolenceSambizanga (1972, dir. by Sarah Maldoror)Frantz Fanon, "Concerning Violence" from The Wretched of the Earth; The Combahee River Collective Statement
The Settler Colonial GazeMeek's Cutoff (2010, dir. by Kelly Reichart)Evelyn Nakano Glenn, "Settler Colonialism as Structure: A Framework for Comparative Studies of U.S. Race and Gender Formation"
The VeilThe Day I Became a Woman (2000, dir. by Marziyeh Meshkiny)Chandra Mohanty, "Under Western Eyes"
Property and the White GazeThe ethnographic films of Zora Neale Hurston (1936); Daughters of the Dust (1991, dir. by Julie Dash)Cheryl I. Harris, "Whiteness as Property" sections I and II
The Oppositional GazeThe Watermelon Woman (1996, dir. by Cheryl Dunye)bell hooks, "The Oppositional Gaze"; So Mayer, "Uncommon Sensuality: New Queer Feminist Film/Theory"
Queer LewksParis is Burning (1990, dir. by Jennie Livingston)Michelle Parkerson, "Birth of a Notion"; Cathy J. Cohen, "Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens"
Decolonizing FilmMauri (1988, dir. by Merata Mita)Tuck and Yang, "Decolonization is Not a Metaphor"